How to Remove Empty Directories in Linux

The rmdir command is ideal for maintaining a clean filesystem while avoiding accidental data loss.

Alby Andersen

The rmdir command in Linux is used to remove empty directories from the filesystem. Unlike the rm -r command (which deletes directories and their contents recursively), rmdir only works if the directory is empty. This makes it a safer option for cleaning up directories without risking accidental data loss.

It’s particularly useful in scripts or workflows where you need to ensure directories are empty before deletion. If a directory contains files or subdirectories, rmdir will throw an error, prompting you to address the contents first.

Remove a Single Empty Directory

rmdir dirname

Deletes the empty directory dirname if it exists.

Remove Multiple Empty Directories

rmdir dir1 dir2 dir3

Deletes dir1, dir2, and dir3 if they are all empty.

Remove Nested Empty Directories

rmdir -p parent/child/grandchild
  • -p removes the entire directory path if all directories in the path are empty.
  • Deletes grandchild, then child, then parent (if empty).

Verbose Mode (Show Deletion Progress)

rmdir -v empty_dir
  • -v prints a confirmation message:
    rmdir: removing directory 'empty_dir'.

Ignore Non-Empty Directory Errors

rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty dirname
  • Suppresses errors if dirname is not empty.
  • Useful in scripts to avoid interruptions.

Remove Directories with Spaces

rmdir "My Folder"

Use quotes to delete directories with spaces in their names.

Remove Directories with Special Characters

rmdir 'dir$name'   # Use quotes
rmdir dir\#name    # Use backslash to escape

Handles names containing $, #, or other special characters.

Delete Empty Directories via Wildcards

rmdir prefix_*

Deletes empty directories matching the wildcard pattern (e.g., prefix_1, prefix_2).

Combine with find to Remove All Empty Directories

find . -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
  • find locates all empty directories in the current tree.
  • rmdir deletes them one by one.

Force-Delete Empty Directories (No Error for Non-Empty)

rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty path/to/dir

Combines -p and --ignore-fail-on-non-empty for silent cleanup attempts.

Redirect Errors to a File

rmdir dirname 2> errors.log

Saves error messages (e.g., “Directory not empty”) to errors.log.

Use Absolute Paths

rmdir /home/user/empty_dir

Specifies the full path to the directory for precise deletion.

Remove Hidden Directories

rmdir .hidden_dir

Deletes hidden directories (names starting with .).

Check Directory Status Before Deletion

ls -d dirname/ && rmdir dirname

Lists the directory first to confirm it exists and is empty.

Use rmdir in Scripts Safely

if [ -d "dirname" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A dirname)" ]; then
  rmdir dirname

Checks if dirname exists and is empty before deleting.

Key Notes:

  • Safety First: rmdir will not delete directories with files/subdirectories. Use rm -r for non-empty directories (with caution!).
  • Permissions: Ensure you have write access to the directory and its parent.
  • Alternatives: For non-empty directories, use rm -rf dirname (but double-check the path!).
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