How to Copy Files and Directories in Linux cp Command Examples

Master cp to efficiently manage files and directories in Linux!

Alby Andersen

The cp command in Linux stands for “copy”. It is used to duplicate files and directories from one location to another within the filesystem. The command preserves the original files and creates identical copies at the specified destination. Key features include copying single/multiple files, recursive directory copying, preserving file attributes (permissions, timestamps), and handling overwrites safely.

Use cp to back up data, organize files, or distribute content across directories. Always exercise caution, as it can overwrite existing files by default.

Copy a File to a Directory

cp file.txt /target/directory/

Copies file.txt to /target/directory, retaining the original name.

Copy and Rename a File

cp file.txt newfile.txt

Copies file.txt to newfile.txt in the same directory (renames during copy).

Copy Multiple Files to a Directory

cp file1.txt file2.txt /backup/

Copies both files to the /backup directory.

Copy a Directory Recursively

cp -r my_directory/ /backup/
  • -r (or -R) copies directories and their contents recursively.

Preserve File Attributes

cp -p source.txt /backup/
  • -p retains permissions, ownership, and timestamps.

Interactive Mode (Prompt Before Overwriting)

cp -i source.txt /target/
  • -i asks for confirmation if the destination file exists.

Force Overwrite Without Confirmation

cp -f source.txt /target/
  • -f overwrites existing files silently (use with caution).

Backup Existing Files

cp --backup=numbered source.txt /target/

Creates a numbered backup (e.g., source.txt.~1~) if the destination exists.

Copy All Files in a Directory

cp -r /source/* /destination/

Copies all files/subdirectories from /source to /destination.

Verbose Mode (Show Progress)

cp -v file.txt /target/
  • -v prints details: 'file.txt' -> '/target/file.txt'.

Copy Hidden Files

cp -r .hidden_dir/ /backup/

Copies hidden files/directories (names starting with .).

cp -d symlink /backup/
  • -d copies symlinks as links instead of their target files.

Copy Files with Wildcards

cp *.jpg /images/

Copies all .jpg files to the /images directory.

Archive Mode (Preserve Everything)

cp -a /source/ /backup/
  • -a combines -r, -p, -d to preserve all attributes and structure.

Copy Only Newer Files

cp -u source.txt /target/
  • -u updates the destination only if the source is newer.

Exclude Specific Files

cp -r --exclude="*.tmp" /source/ /destination/

Copies all files except those ending with .tmp.

Copy to a Remote Server via SSH

scp -r local_dir/ user@remote:/path/

Uses scp (Secure Copy Protocol) for remote transfers (technically not cp but related).

cp -l source.txt link.txt
  • -l creates hard links (saves disk space; changes reflect in both files).

Copy Sparse Files Efficiently

cp --sparse=always large_file.img /backup/

Optimizes space usage for sparse files (e.g., virtual disk images).

Dry Run (Simulate Copying)

cp -nvr /source/ /destination/
  • -n prevents overwrites.
  • Combine with -v to simulate and log actions.

Key Notes:

  • Overwrite Risks: Use -i or -n to avoid accidental data loss.
  • Permissions: Ensure you have read access to the source and write access to the destination.
  • Wildcards: Use * (any characters) or ? (single character) for pattern matching.
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