How to Check Disk Space Usage in Linux

The du (disk usage) command in Linux is a powerful tool for analyzing disk usage by files and directories.

Alby Andersen

The du (disk usage) command in Linux is used to estimate and display the disk space used by files and directories. It helps in identifying the space usage of directories and their contents, allowing administrators to manage storage more effectively.

Basic Disk Usage

Display the disk usage of the current directory and its subdirectories:


Summarize Disk Usage

Show the total disk usage of a directory without listing every subdirectory:

du -s /path/to/directory

Human-Readable Format

Display disk usage in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB):

du -h /path/to/directory

Summarize in Human-Readable Format

Combine summarizing and human-readable formatting:

du -sh /path/to/directory

Display Disk Usage for All Files and Directories

Show disk usage for all files and directories in the current location:

du -ah /path/to/directory

Limit Depth of Directory Tree

Limit the depth of the directory tree to display (e.g., only 1 level deep):

du -h --max-depth=1 /path/to/directory

Exclude Certain Files or Directories

Exclude specific files or directories from the disk usage calculation:

du -h --exclude="*.log" /path/to/directory

Sort by Disk Usage

Sort the output by disk usage (largest to smallest):

du -h /path/to/directory | sort -hr

Display Disk Usage of Specific File Types

Calculate disk usage for files of a specific type (e.g., .jpg files):

du -ch *.jpg

Display Disk Usage in Bytes

Show disk usage in bytes (useful for scripting or precise measurements):

du -b /path/to/directory

Display Disk Usage of Mounted Filesystems

Show disk usage for all mounted filesystems:

du -sh /* 2>/dev/null

Ignore Permission Denied Errors

Suppress “Permission denied” errors when running du:

du -sh /path/to/directory 2>/dev/null

Compare Disk Usage Over Time

Save disk usage to a file and compare it later:

du -sh /path/to/directory > disk_usage.txt

Display Disk Usage of a Specific User

Calculate disk usage for files owned by a specific user:

du -sh --apparent-size /home/username

Display Inode Usage

Show inode usage instead of disk space (useful for filesystems with many small files):

du --inodes /path/to/directory

Combine with find for Advanced Filtering

Use find with du to calculate disk usage for files modified in the last 7 days:

find /path/to/directory -type f -mtime -7 -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$

Include symbolic links in the disk usage calculation:

du -Lh /path/to/directory

Display Disk Usage in Kilobytes

Show disk usage in kilobytes (KB):

du -k /path/to/directory

Display Disk Usage in Megabytes

Show disk usage in megabytes (MB):

du -m /path/to/directory

Display Disk Usage of Hidden Files

Include hidden files and directories in the calculation:

du -sh .[!.]* *


  • The du command can be resource-intensive, especially when used on large filesystems or directories with many subdirectories and files. Limiting the depth or excluding certain files can improve performance.
  • Use the -s flag to avoid displaying disk usage for individual files when you only want a summary of a directory.
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