How to Add and Remove Kexts from macOS

This article provides a detailed walkthrough on adding and removing kernel extensions (kexts) on macOS, including Terminal commands and safety tips.

Bertie Atkinson

Kernel extensions are modules that extend the functionality of the macOS kernel. They are often used to support hardware devices, such as printers or graphics cards, or to enable advanced software features. Kexts operate at a privileged level, meaning they have direct access to system resources. This makes them powerful but also potentially dangerous if misconfigured or corrupted.

In recent versions of macOS, Apple has introduced stricter security measures to limit the use of kexts. System Integrity Protection (SIP) and notarization requirements have made it more challenging to install third-party kexts. However, for advanced users, adding or removing kexts is still possible with the right tools and knowledge.

Preparing to Modify Kexts

Before making any changes to kexts, it is crucial to back up your system. Use Time Machine or another backup solution to ensure you can restore your system if something goes wrong. Additionally, disable System Integrity Protection (SIP) temporarily, as it prevents modifications to certain system directories. To disable SIP, reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode and run the following command in Terminal:

csrutil disable

Re-enable SIP after completing your modifications by running csrutil enable in Recovery Mode.

Adding Kexts to macOS

To add a kext, you need to place it in the appropriate directory. The most common location for third-party kexts is /Library/Extensions. Follow these steps:

  • Download the kext file from a trusted source.
  • Open Terminal and use the sudo command to copy the kext to the target directory. For example:
    sudo cp -R /path/to/kext.kext /Library/Extensions
  • Rebuild the kernel cache to ensure the system recognizes the new kext:
    sudo kextcache -i /

After completing these steps, restart your Mac to load the new kext.

Removing Kexts from macOS

Removing a kext is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to avoid system instability. Follow these steps:

  • Locate the kext you want to remove. Common directories include /Library/Extensions and /System/Library/Extensions.
  • Use Terminal to delete the kext:
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/kextname.kext
  • Rebuild the kernel cache:
    sudo kextcache -i /

Restart your Mac to complete the removal process.

Safety Precautions When Working with Kexts

Modifying kexts can have serious consequences if done incorrectly. Always follow these safety precautions:

  • Back up your system: Ensure you have a recent backup before making any changes.
  • Verify the source: Only download kexts from trusted developers or repositories.
  • Test in a controlled environment: If possible, test kext modifications on a secondary machine or virtual machine.
  • Re-enable SIP: After completing your modifications, re-enable System Integrity Protection to maintain system security.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues after adding or removing a kext, such as system crashes or hardware malfunctions, follow these steps:

  • Boot into Safe Mode by holding the Shift key during startup. This disables all third-party kexts.
  • Use Terminal to verify the integrity of the kernel cache:
    sudo kextcache --clear-staging
  • Reinstall the problematic kext or restore from a backup if necessary.

By following these guidelines, you can safely and effectively manage kexts on macOS.

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